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13 Nov 2024

Isondo Precious Metals Shares Vision for Local Green Hydrogen Fuel Cell Membrane Production at CMA

Isondo Precious Metals Shares Vision for Local Green Hydrogen Fuel Cell Membrane Production at CMA
South African fuel cell component manufacturer Isondo Precious Metals aims to locally produce membranes for green hydrogen fuel cells and electrolyzers as part of its long-term growth strategy, according to Vinay Somera, the firm’s Founder and CEO.

In an exclusive interview with Energy Capital & Power during Critical Minerals Africa 2024 last week, Somera said producing membranes locally aligns with South Africa’s agenda to add value to platinum group metals (PGMs) in-country and expand its skills base.

“Our primary focus is to transform PGMs into catalyst membranes to create membrane electrode assemblies for green hydrogen fuel cells,” stated Somera, adding “We source the majority of raw materials in South Africa since we have 80% of the world’s PGMs, while membranes come from the US and EU.”

PGM conversion is one of Isondo Precious Metals’ priority projects together with the rollout of hydrogen refueling stations and hydrogen-powered buses and vehicles along major highways, he said.

The company is also working on a proof of concept for a new ammonia cracking generator.

“Our goal is to showcase how our technology enables ammonia cracking into a partial ammonia-hydrogen blend that can be converted into clean gas energy,” Somera stated.

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